吉亞尼 格力亞朶 酒莊 甜蜜生活 蜜思嘉白酒

吉亞尼 格力亞朶 酒莊 甜蜜生活 蜜思嘉白酒
Gianni Gagliardo Villa M Bianco

產地:Piedmont, Monferrato, Italy
葡萄品種:100% Moscato



  • 品酒評註:Distinctly aromatic scents that recall the Moscato grape, with the evolution it can develop more complex notes ranging from floral, acacia honey and sage. Fresh and fragrant flavor that balances very well the sweetness.
  • 佐餐建議
    Villa M Bianco matches easy to fresh fruit. For example, it is perfect with strawberries. Excellent with a wide range of desserts, but also intriguing with sweet or savory snacks. Very special with Fois Gras.
  • 國際評分:2021 Wine & Spirits Digest – Silver