布根地 黑皮諾紅酒

布根地 黑皮諾紅酒
Bourgogne Pinot Noir

等級:Appellation Régionale
葡萄品種:Pinot Noir



  • 品酒評註:It offers a colour of medium intensity, purplish in its youth changing to ruby and then garnet, after several years in bottle. It is harmonious and balanced, with a plump fruitiness and silky texture offset by round, gentle tannins in a wine of medium body and elegant structure. The very typical, fragrant varietal bouquet is complemented by a deliciously lingering finish. With this wine, you can enjoy grilled or boiled red meats, roasts, mild game, soft cheeses like Camembert and Brie.
  • 佐餐建議:With this wine, you can enjoy grilled or boiled red meats, roasts, mild game, soft cheeses like Camembert and Brie.
  • 國際評分
    2018 Wine Spectator TOP 100 – No.68, 90 points (15)
    2013 International Wine Challenge – Commended (10)
    2012 Critics Challenge Wine Competition – Gold (09)
    2012 International Wine Challenge – Bronze (09)