希帝酒廠 希帝波爾多 紅酒

希帝酒廠 希帝波爾多 紅酒
Clarendelle Bordeaux Rouge AOC

產地:Bordeaux AOC
葡萄品種:Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc



  • 品酒評註:The wine has a deep, brilliant, intense red colour. The bouquet is complex and fruity, with blackberry and blackcurrant overtones. The tannin is firm, but elegant. There is also great acidity, which contributes freshness and elegance. Furthermore, the wine has a long, powerful aftertaste and a beautiful finish.
  • 佐餐建議:Serving temperature: 18°-20°C. We suggest you open and decant Clarendelle Rouge one hour before serving it.
  • 國際評分
    2022 James Suckling – 91 points (19)
    2021 James Suckling – 91-92 points (20)
    2021 James Suckling – 90 points (18)
    2019 James Suckling – 91 points (18)
    2019 James Suckling – 91 points (16)
    2018 James Suckling – 91 points (15)
    2018 James Suckling – 90 points (17)
    2018 International Wine Challenge – Bronze (17)
    2017 Decanter World Wine Awards – Bronze (13)
    2017 James Suckling – 92 points (16)
    2017 James Suckling – 90 points (14)
    2016 James Suckling – 91 points (15)
    2015 International Wine Challenge – Bronze (10)
    2015 Decanter World Wine Awards – Bronze (10)
    2014 International Wine Challenge – Bronze (09)
    2014 Decanter World Wine Awards – Bronze (09)
    2013 Decanter World Wine Awards – Bronze (06)