杜道酒廠 杜道1號紅酒

杜道酒廠 杜道1號紅酒
Dourthe N°1 Rouge, Bordeaux AOC

葡萄品種:60% Merlot, 35% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Petit Verdot



  • 品酒評註:A typical Bordeaux Right Bank blend. Straightforward with delicious fruit character, crushed berries with a hint of chocolate. Medium bodied with well-integrated tannins and a medium, silky texture.
  • 佐餐建議:紅白肉類料理,波爾多式肋骨牛排(以波爾多葡萄酒、黃油、紅蔥頭、香草和骨頭熬制的濃郁醬汁來烹製)、肋眼、快熟牛排、韃靼牛肉、羊頸肉、小羊腿、鴨胸肉,
  • 國際評分
    2022 James Suckling – 91 points (20)
    2022 Le Guide Hachette des Vins – 1 Star (19)
    2021 James Suckling – 91 points (19)
    2018 Le Guide Hachette des Vins – 1 Star (15)
    2017 Decanter World Wine Awards – Silver (15)
    2017 Le Guide Hachette des Vins – 1 Star (14)
    2016 Bettane et Desseauve – 15 / 20 points (14)
    2016 Bob Campbell – 92 points (12)
    2015 Bettane et Desseauve – 15 / 20 points (12)
    2014 Decanter World Wine Awards – Bronze (12)
    2012 Japan Wine Challenge – Bronze (11)
    2012 La Revue du Vin de France – 15.5 / 20 points (10)
    2011 International Wine Challenge – Silver (09)