羅尼史壯酒廠 產區精選系列 老藤 金芬黛紅酒

羅尼史壯酒廠 產區精選系列 老藤 金芬黛紅酒
Rodney Strong Estate Vineyards Series Zinfandel – Old Vines

產地:Alexander Valley, Russian River Valley, Dry Creek Valley
葡萄品種:Zinfandel, Petite Sirah, Touriga Nacional



  • 品酒評註:Fresh, bright berry fruit from our heritage Russian River vineyard, combined with the ripe, peppery jam from our Alexander Valley and Dry Creek vineyards, make for a wonderful diversity of flavor, showcasing the best that Zinfandel can offer. This wine offers notes of blackberry, plum and boysenberry with a touch of red fruit jam and creamy vanilla.
    俄羅斯河葡萄園特有的新鮮明亮莓果風味,結合亞歷山大谷及Dry Creek谷葡萄園的熟成果醬香氣,伴隨些許辛辣胡椒味,併發出令人驚艷多變的滋味,所有金芬黛葡萄的精華風味都蘊含在葡萄酒中,充滿奔放的水果芳香,帶有黑莓、李子和桑葚的香氣,交織著一抹紅色水果果醬及奶油香草氣息。
  • 佐餐建議:Enjoy this Zinfandel now with spiced short ribs, pulled-pork sandwiches, or a chicken barbecue pizza.
  • 國際評分:2020 American Fine Wine Competition – Gold (17)